These are the best Witcher 3 mods that we could find, which simultaneously improve upon the visual and technical quality of the game. Modding allows for more texture, depth, and quality of life changes to a video game and can sometimes so drastically change a game that it can be turned into a different one and sold separately. In any case, perfection doesn’t exist and something which is already brilliant can always be improved upon to make it into something that is even more breathtaking, and that is where modding comes in. That already is very high praise for any art department that is not part of Crytek. It is a genre and generation-defining release, way ahead of the times, and hence, finds itself in the discussion even today.ĬDPR built a worldwide reputation for its prowess in development through Witcher 3, and rightly so, as a combination of perfect storytelling, a great conclusion, award-winning mechanics, and stellar visuals, the Witcher 3 was the Game of the Year for 2015, and the Crysis of its time. The Witcher 3 is one of the best, and most visually striking games ever made.